viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

Repent of his works, ask forgiveness in humility and turn his face to IHVH ... !!!

Apo 1:3  Blessed [is] he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time [is] at hand.

Apo 1:5  And from Jesus Christ, [who is] the faithful witness, [and] the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

Apo 1:6  And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him [be] glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Apo 1:7  Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Apo 1:8  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Apo 1:18  I [am] he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Apo 1:19  Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;

Apo 2:5  Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Apo 2:16  Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

Apo 3:19  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Apo 3:20  Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Jer 25:32 Thus saith IHVH of hosts: Behold, evil will go forth from nation to nation; a very strong whirlwind [Stone, Earthquake, Tsunami] is triggered from the ends of the earth, "

Jer. 25:32


י ה ש ו ה



miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016


The spirits of North America that called for proof of life to God, asked to be judged by elements within the same laws of life; because they did not know what was the feeling of being judged by the elements of a planet of evidence, they did not know;


Because when you ask God, life forms that are not known, such a request is made, starting from the largest innocence, that the mind can imagine; so that all the feelings that everyone has within its individuality, the spirit did not know them;


That is why the divine Gospel of God says: Every spirit is tested on their own feelings, my God; and also mentioned: Proof of life.-


Spirits of North America, did not suffer major damage in World War II, by men, because the damage left men had not asked God; they asked the damage from the elements, if they, arrived to violate the divine law of God; and they raped; because they to improve, they did based on unequal laws; the unequal not pleasing to God; because it never reaches unequal to true happiness; the unequal perpetuates injustice and unhappiness; the unequal produces a strange fleeting happiness, and rests on the injustice suffered by millions of people; try to conquer happiness for all, without giving up the unequal, it is simply a pipe dream; evidenced by the irrefutable fact hundreds of centuries consumed in unequal laws;


The creators of happiness based on unequal laws, could have millions of years ahead, and never would never achieve perfect happiness for all; creators of a strange system of life based on the unequal, horrible moments await you; because it will be fulfilled in them, the divine judgment of the elements; first will be cold, then water and finally fire; in the judgment of water, the oceans will overflow; inundating three quarters of North America; the fire of the sun will burn their land and not be traces of water to drink; because everything will evaporate; the items destroyed in a few minutes, which took years and centuries of work;


The economic power of North America, will be reduced by 70%; It is for this, is that it was written in the divine Gospel of God Seventy thousand times; God's divine parable meant a strange being, made in numerical imbalance; because 7 does not have its average equal; halves 7 are not equal; one has more and the other less;


1000 represented the advent of a just Doctrine; because it is the number of power; new power born of the strange psychology of inequality; and it means that all nations who were forced to live in the unequal, wake up and form a single nation; these nations manage to get rid of it unbalanced and create the balanced; It becomes independent of the old system of unequal laws;


When the spirits of North America, asked God, they are judged by the elements, made a crazy own request; because the elements are infinite and have no limits; instead the punishment of men against men, is limited; the damage caused a war between men, soon repaired; it is within human limits; the experience left by the Second World War demonstrated;


The fall of North America as a world power, it is by poverty; and will be so immense this poverty, its people go begging to the food; and it is fulfilled in them, which in the divine Gospel of God, was written: By their works and deeds you will be judged, the North American work, it left a toll of millions of poor, of all categories; some of which were forced to be;


Because the North American beast, the strange debauchery of using force to impose its laws, and life test consisted in not tempted in the use of force was taken; for being God all love, all without exception, they had asked laws of love;


As the divine Judgment, order for humanity to God, included everything imaginable, it is that those who are tempted to use force during the test of life, fall by force, the force of the elements , destroys them; if they had sown love, they receive love.-

Rev. 1: 8


י ה ש ו ה



Because Man has need of Final Judgment…!!!

Of a truth I say unto you, the new philosophy of the New World Omega (Rev. 1: 8.), Truly I tell you that the new philosophy of the New World Omega, will be very similar to the philosophy and thinking of a child; as it should have always been; if the world had guided as they should, by my writings and Commandments, this world would have one philosophy; a single government; a single symbol and a common destiny; You would not need Judgment; because it would be meaningless; plus, the opposite happened; man did the opposite; instead of letting the humble, rule this world, relegated to last; Is not it written that every humble is first before the Father? and if every humble is first before the Lord, my humble why not rule this world? here's a question that will shake the foundations of the world Alpha;


י ה ש ו ה



The fall of the Beast, the fall of the materialistic world…!!!

Born a new world; new philosophy; new universal government; new and unique flag; new destination; new meat;

Every kingdom has its time of glory; and fall time; you and you passed your glory; now confront your fall; every kingdom divided as yours, falls over time; all philosophy that divided other, there is in this world;

Restore things on my Firstborn Son, it is to crush those who crushed others; because the hierarchy is imposed on the worlds; the powers of the spirit, defeat the darkness, sunrises spirit;

This is what will happen to you demons of gold; land and seas, will open when you send my son Firstborn; The world will be left aghast executioners; nothing you can; power corrupted your gold, no longer tempt the world; you can no longer afford buying weak consciences; you no longer falsely the world;

Because new customs born in the world; truly I tell you, curse one having known gold; as curses the devil; your world who have kept by force, will fall; truly I tell you, will be regarded with infinite pity; because you are the damned of the world; the world will flee from you, as fleeing from the plague;

Truly I tell you, just find honey, where you call animals; behold, what will be your fruit; here's what you fought; here is your own division and disbanding of your reign; behold the serpent crushed; behold the Satan of your world; behold, your mourn and gnashing of teeth; behold what comes to those who believe be sent alone; here's the situation for those who despised the Scriptures of the Father; here again, the snake of earthly paradise; behold evil that subjugated the world in the centuries of trial; behold the fall of the beast; behold the fall of the reign of Satan; behold the fall of the tree that planted the Father in His divine teachings; behold, the world began Omega, and the fall of world Alpha; Alfa principle is the materialistic world; (Rev. 1: 8.) A world and customs that is forgotten;

Born a new world; new philosophy; new universal government; new and unique flag; new destination; new flesh; kid's World; ¡¡¡Innocence triumphs !!! truly I tell you, that no philosophy Adult exit any, will be in this world; and it is easier to enter the Kingdom, a child called adult; the first is innocent; the second lived a life system that deludes and divided; and all divided spirit, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven;

to the Kingdom, as he went; with innocence and serving only the Father; in the Kingdom of Heaven, philosophies that divide others are not known; because no one with such ideas come distant worlds, he has entered the Kingdom of Heaven;


י ה ש ו ה



martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Revelation Scrolls Lamb of God .... !!!!

Revelation does not repeat what men know, Revelation announces what men do not know, for something called Revelation; This was announced in Revelation, the Gospel; John's vision of the Scrolls and the Lamb is called, because this Scripture will be known to the world as the Lamb of God Scrolls, others will call in different ways, but it is the same.


י ה ש ו ה



Third Doctrine of the Lamb of God for all Mankind ... !!!

This THIRD DOCTRINE was ordered for all mankind, as were ordered the MOSAIC and CHRISTIAN Doctrines and now it DOCTRINE OF THE LAMB OF GOD represents for the world INTELLECTUAL JUDGEMENT, beginning the FINAL JUDGEMENT and It will be the only doctrine that explains how they were made all things; because before trial, humanity asked the Father to know the cause of all causes. It is judged knowingly.


י ה ש ו ה




Announcing that there will come a Final Judgment of ordeals, starting with a doctrine that will make up the last creature. It will be the era of Mourn and gnashing of teeth; It will be called: THE INTELLECTUAL JUDGMENT OF GOD, in which the origin of all things be explained; then follow the judgment of fire or Solar Judgment.


י ה ש ו ה




The Final Judgment will be....!!!!!!

The Final Judgment will be nation by nation, man by man, molecule by molecule; eye for an eye and tooth for tooth and which is closer than you imagine; These writings open and reveal what will be the Last Judgment, which begins with the third doctrine, which begins in the American herd.


י ה ש ו ה



viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

WELCOME to the START of the FINAL JUDGMENT....!!!!!!!!!!!!

Citizens of all of the countries of the world; After this terrestrial cycle of 10,800 years; They get to the end of his lives of proofs; When a life of proofs, in the Kingdom Of Heaven is  asked for, it is a life that has end; Everything will reach an agreement to the Father's writings; Just as you were sent, you do right now many centuries; The proof of the world, he involved not getting out of the writings; Neither in a microscopic part;

Just as the world of proof asked it for ( the land ), In order to know GOD'S revelation on The Origin of everything, The Last Judgment, etc,


י ה ש ו ה



domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016

And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not....!!!

Greetings my beloved friends, brothers, disciples, followers and citizens of our beautiful planet Earth.


I speak after 10 years of struggle great, both internal and external, in all aspects.


Enough it has come, in all this time, since I started the message " CHRIST THE WORLD IS NOW " .


A new phase has already begun, from the New Millennium and now more than ever we open opportunities to take them.


They are very welcome to the good news Millennium Aquarium and all that that implies.


Coming rolls seals will be opened and the new review cycle of their lives begin.


A big hug and Maranâthâ....!!!!!


י ה ש ו ה


domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2016


Greetings my beloved friends, brothers, disciples, followers and citizens of our beautiful planet Earth. I speak after 10 years of struggle great, both internal and external, in all aspects. Enough it has come, in all this time, since I started the message " CHRIST THE WORLD IS NOW " . A new phase has already begun, from the New Millennium and now more than ever we open opportunities to take them. They are very welcome to the good news Millennium Aquarium and all that that implies. Coming rolls seals will be opened and the new review cycle of their lives begin. A big hug and Maranâthâ....!!!!! EHEIEH. IHVH י ה ש ו ה